Call for Paper

EEBDI 2025 is the premier interdisciplinary forum for the presentation of new advances in the fields of Electrical Engineering, Big Data and Information. The conference will bring together leading scientists, researchers and scholars from around the world. The themes of EEBDI 2025 include:

Topic 1: Electronics Engineering
Power Electronics
AC-DC and DC-DC Converters
AC and DC Motor Drives, inverters
FM and PWM Techniques
Utility Interface module for Power electronics
Applications of Power electronics
Single- and Multi-Phase Inverters
Soft-Switched Techniques
Modeling and Simulation of AC-DC
Soft ware Tools of AC-DC
Converter/Inverter Topologies
Topic 2. Computer Science
Method engineering
Mining, monitoring, and predicting
Models and methods for evolution and reuse
Requirements engineering
Variability and configuration management
Architectures and Platforms in and for Information Systems Engineering
Cloud-based Information Systems Engineering
Integrated architectures and virtualization
Internet of services
Internet of things
Multi-agent Information Systems Engineering
Multi-platform Information Systems Engineering
Service oriented Information Systems Engineering
Domain Specific Information Systems Engineering
City management
Cyber-physical systems
Educational Information Systems

Topic 3: Big Data
Data storage
data indexing
data fusion
data analysis
data mining